The only moment to make a better future is now!

As humanity, we must find a way of life that is not based on endless self-centeredness and humanity. We need an understanding of the knowledge of the science being studied. We need art that opens up on many levels in order to wonder, to imagine a new kind of good - in the world. We need emotional experiences that are not affordable. We need freedom to interpret the strange, to wonder.

The enthusiastic Kuusisto Art Manor was born in 2012 in an abandoned museum environment. All I had to do was learn to dance the tango with the elephant. The manor, which is almost 300 years old and is strongly protected on the basis of architectural reasons, with a view of all directions in one turn, is strongly a place of contemporary art. The vast, archaeologically valuable and culturally rich area calms, touches the visitor gently through all the senses and leads to the works in its very own way.

Taidekartanolla teokset koetaan luonnon antamassa valossa. Näyttelykokemus ei pysy samana kevään heleydestä syyskesän lämpimän vahvaan valoon. Omanlaisten leipomusten Villikahvila ja Taidekartanon vaihtuvat, useimmiten kuratoidut aikalaistaiteen näyttelyt ovat avoinna kesäkuun viikonloppuina 8 -9.6. ja 15-16.6.2024. Juhannuksesta alkaen 22.6.- 1.9.2024, la 13 – 16, su – ke 13 – 19, Puusisto2024n aikana näyttely ja Villikahvila ovat avoinna joka päivä. Puuveistospuutarha avoinna ympäri vuoden 24/7.